My name is Thaddeus and I am currently living in San Francisco with my wife Kathy.

We have 2 amazing cats, Belka, and Leo.

I stumbled across Data Science a few years ago and really became enthralled with it, so I decided to go back to school again and get a Masters in Data Science at Berkeley.  I love the power of visualization to convey information, and the power of machine learning to make predictions and understand trends.   

Personally, I love exercising and competing in triathlons, marathons, and other fitness competitions.  I am constantly torn between strength training and endurance training, so my favorite events are those that allow me to leverage both.

Professionally, I am the Vice President of Data Products an Algorithms at Wiliot, where I lead a globally distributed team of analysts, data scientists, and product managers. We’ve invented a small bluetooth computer that is passively powered through radio waves in the air which can be used as a general purpose IoT Sensor. I also have degrees in Economics, Philosophy, and an MBA, and have done everything from leading massive teams (+500 people) to working as a principal ML engineer. My current role is perfect because it allows me to have a foot in both worlds.

PS. I am always looking for talented people to join my team (globally), so if you think you may be a fit, please reach out to me on Linkedin.